Sunday, July 27, 2014

Music is My Life

Hi there, my name is Mustafa Sediqi; I'm an 18 year old musician and producer from the bowels of creation and imagination also known as my bedroom. There I am! 

As you can probably tell, I LOVE music- specifically jazz, hip hop, psychedelic, indie... Music that brings me peace and tranquility. My style of music is what most people refer to as "jazzy hip-hop". I've also heard my listeners call it psychedelic jazz, lounge music, elevator music, and "chill"; sometimes they wouldn't even label it, but would instead mutter "oh my," and start nodding their heads back and forth along with the tune. I must say, that's the best feeling.

If I can get all my listeners to feel this way, I'll consider myself successful.

Basically, why I'm here is to express the joy of music and interesting things about it and my daily struggles and successes of being a musician. I'm here to tell you that I know what it's like to make mistakes and fail and get upset and disappointed in myself- and it's okay. It's a part of being human. 
If potato chips hadn't been the mistake that they were, imagine all those bags of Cheetos and the Doritos commercials never existing. Life would be pretty cruel wouldn't it?

Believe me when I say that a heap load can be learned from making mistakes whether it's playing the wrong note, painting with the wrong shade, picking the wrong time to tell the girl of your dreams that you want her, or putting too much hair care products in your hair. It's all good, it happens. 

I'll be here to tell you interesting things in the history of music, new things I've tried out, experiences I can learn from, relationship advice, how to fend off zombies during the apocalypse, and sometimes a little ventilation. 

I'm excited to pour out everything I've got to you all, whoever's out there reading this. Whoever you are, you're fantastic, and I'd love to hear from you. Comment below and tell me about your favorite experiences with music, your favorite song/artist/album, or just say hello!

You can also find me on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Soundcloud! Go out and try something different, learn something, make mistakes, and be better for it!
IG: moestafamusic 

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